Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little Man

So, Landon had a spill last Thursday that resulted in a buckle fracture of his right wrist. This is the third time he has had this exact injury...he is ALL boy! Here's the story. Ash got home from work fairly early around 5:30 and we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood, as it was a beautiful afternoon. So, I got Lucy in the stroller and my walking shoes on and the family went on our way. Landon being the boy he is, wanted to bring his scooter to "ride really fast down all the hills" Mind you, my neighborhood is very hilly or you might even say mountainous! :) We made our way through the neighborhood with Landon taking his scooter down every hill and when he would start to go too fast he would jump off with his scooter still in hand and would have to sprint in order to slow down...is this making any sense?? Anyhow, these hills are steep, but he would make it down nearly every single one and would whoop and holler that he did it. He definitely had an adrenaline rush as I did just watching him...he had no fear! Landon continued to do this the entire walk, and as we made it back to our street he wanted one more try on what is probably the steepest hill of them all. So away he goes, full speed ahead, realizes he doesn't want to go any faster, jumps off of the scooter, holds on to the scooter as his little legs are just a running down the hill and trying to slow down. This time however the scooter flips around and gets under his feet and he trips and falls and well fractures his arm.

So of course, everyone he sees afterwards asks him what happened and Landon proceeds to tell them the whole story. Saturday comes around and Ash and I are hosting our Sunday School class to a shrimp boil and our good friend Steve asks Landon what happened. Landon replies "Well, I fell off my scooter. Actually, there is a longer story but I'm tired of telling it." I do believe ALL men both big and little can appreciate that!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lan-Lan!! Hannah is all boy, too! We'll have to keep them away from each other! Did you know it was broken right away??
